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Lake Powell Arizona - you want to go (though you may not know)!

OK that title is probably making yall go "huh?" But Lake Powell Arizona is one of those places that many Grand Canyon and Grand Circle vacationers seem to discover  as an afterthought, some by fortunate accident, like TripAdvisor poster "CTDredge" did:

We are flying into Vegas on a Friday, check out on Sunday morning and have flights booked back to Connecticut on Saturday.  We have a car booked and ready to go! Ideally we would love to see the Grand Canyon South and possibly North Rims, Bryce and Zion for some light hiking and to take in the views. We even toyed with the idea of passing through Sedona but think it might be tight. We have a room booked at the Bryce Canyon Lodge on Thursday and would like to keep it but unfortunately that is the only room they have open all week!

At that point, CTDredge hadn't taken into account a scenic and recreational treasure trove that he would have to pass through anyway: Lake Powell! As Esty666 points out:

You will be passing through Page (Lake Powell's gateway community) in any case between the South Rim Grand Canyon and Bryce/Zion.  Antelope Canyon is really a place not to be missed, as well as Horseshoe Bend. The smooth-water float trip is really a special experience. Grand Canyon South Rim, Lake Powell Arizona, Zion and Bryce and easily fit into your week without excess driving in between.

The lady speaks from experience having recently returned from a trip to Page and Lake Powell Arizona.

Lake Powell Arizona is uniquely situated in that it's about 2.5 hours drive away from either the North or South Rim of the Grand Canyon. It also sits just about smack dead center in an area called "The Grand Circle," a cluster of scenic, cultural and historic attractions in Northeast Arizona, Southern Utah, Southwest Colorado, and Northwest New Mexico.

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If you're making the Grand Canyon National Park loop from Las Vegas to Grand Canyon, Zion, Bryce etc., you pretty much have to pass through this area anyway, which makes it so easy to include in your Grand Canyon vacation plans! Give Lake Powell Arizona at least 2 days of your time, because there's SO much to do there.

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