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Trip Report: Las Vegas to Lake Powell and Back in 1 Day!

Good morning travelers! This weekend we received an e-mail from a customer who sought out our advice on visiting Lake Powell from Las Vegas. Normally, we'd be all for that, but this particular gent only had one day to work with. I desperately tried to talk him out of it - after all, it takes 5 hours, each way, to drive from Las Vegas to Lake Powell. Tours from Las Vegas to Lake Powell are almost nonexistent these days. And with all there is to see at Lake Powell, such a limited timeframe couldn't possibly do the place justice. But, this guest (we'll call him "Mr. C") had come all the way from Italy and this was very likely to be a once in a lifetime (or at least once in a blue moon) trip.

So I sent Mr. C some maps, and suggestions on what he could do in the course of a day, said a little prayer and went about my business. Lo and behold, just the other day, I received an e-mail from Mr. C. I was a bit nervous, I'll admit - would he hate me for steering him wrong? Denounce me for not being more adamant that he not do this crazy thing? Not at all! Read on:

I rent a car in Las Vegas and I had my amazing trip: I drove almost 600 miles in one day, I visited Horseshoe Bend, Antelope Canyon, the Carl Hayden Visitor Center at Glen Canyon Dam and more. I ate my genuine sandwich in Page. In few words I smelled the scent of West,  the Grand Canyon I imagined in my mind. At the end I was happy but so happy that I didn't feel tired.  I'll come back and visit more about your huge and beautiful country. I want to see again the places I admired and go to the Monument Valley, the Zion Park and so on.

He went on to add:

The map you sent me showed itself useful and exact. I'd say better than GSM system. I add that all the information and advice you gave me by telephone were precious. Moreover, I appreciated so much the professionalism, courtesy and willingness you displayed.

Thank you kindly, Mr. C! Once again you show us that where there's a will, and a day, there's a way to visit the places you dream about. But Mr. C's account left me wondering just one thing: what was in that "genuine sandwich" anyway? 😉

'til next time, make this day Grand!

8 Responses

  1. HI There,
    we are taking a similar trip (except we'll stay at Lake Powell for a few days). We wanted to see the Grand Canyon on the drive to Lake Powell. Which Rim should we go to?


    1. Anne,

      If you are coming up from the Phoenix area, then you should go to the South Rim.

      If you are coming from the Vegas, St. George or Salt Lake City area, then you should go to the North Rim.

      If coming from Denver to Page, then you have your choice of going to either the South Rim or North Rim AFTER your visit to Page as they are both 140-145 miles away from Page, Arizona.



  2. good afternoon,

    My husband and I will be traveling from vegas to north rim then to lake powell. We are wondering if there are any other places to stay in the north rim since it seems that the grand canyon lodge is all book up?

    Thank you,

  3. Dear KARLYN
    I am in Las Vegas on 21st and 22 nd. I check out from there on 23rd early morning as after this I have just time until 25th :so 2 nights wherein I want to do Sedona,Grand Canyon and Lake powell returning back to Vegas on 25th by night . I am from India and may not be able to drive around myself ..although I am a very good at driving here . I can also fly straight to San Francisco on the 25 by evening as well.
    Could you please suggest an Itenary with someone who could do this tour for us in an economical way.
    Dr. Surbhi

    1. Dr. Surbhi,

      The Most Economical way to do this right now is with They are running Shuttle service to all of the Locations you mention above.

      Now, I suspect you will have to piece together some of the details on your own...Hotels, Local plans...but they are the one's offering the Most Economical way to see this area from Las Vegas.

      I hope this helps.

      Thank You,


      1. We are taking our Rv from Las Vegas to lake Powell and we’re wondering if there is a RV friendly Route we may be able to take?

        1. Tamra,

          The usual I-15 Las Vegas to St. George, then get on Highway 389/89 from I-15 to Page, Arizona via Hurricane, UT then Fredonia, AZ then Kanab, UT would be the easiest in an RV. Now, many people are wanting to see Zion, Bryce, and the North Rim of the Grand Canyon on the way...and they ONLY slowdown is the Zion Tunnel that you have to do during daylight hours in an RV, I believe. Lake Powell is here waiting for you at the East end of the Grand Canyon. It's pretty busy with it being an ideal COVID Social Distancing's where I live!

          Make the trip and enjoy the drive. Going through the Gorge before arriving at St. George is like unto driving in the bottom of the Grand's some of the same/similar geologic strata that exists at the West end of the Grand Canyon. Then the drive from Hurricane to Page via the beautiful red rock cliff's is not to be missed.

          Enjoy Lake Powell,


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